Related Links for Allergen Database and GMO

Recent Open Access Publications

"Biosafety: evaluation and regulation of genetically modified (GM) crops in the United States" Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University Vol 33(6): 85-114, Oct. 2014. Richard E. Goodman (mirror)

This review paper is one of a series of publications in English and Chinese available from speakers at the International GMO workshop on the Global Status of Transgenic Crops. This Workshop was held at Huazhong Agricultural University in Wuhan China on 16-17 October, 2014, organized by the Chinese academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

World Health Organization/International Union of Immunological Societies Allergen Nomenclature Sub-Committee

The page contains information on protein allergen nomenclature along with a list of allergen.

AllFam Database of Allergen Families

The AllFam website classifies allergens into protein families. It also provides a browsing function listing the allergen source and its route of exposure.

Allergome - A Database of Allergenic Molecules

The Allergome web site has been designed to supply information on Allergenic Molecules (Allergens).
Identified molecules causing an IgE-mediated (allergic, atopic) disease (anaphylaxis, asthma, atopic dermatitis, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, urticaria) have been selected from international scientific journals and from web-based resources.
It also contains data on allergenic sources whether they have identified molecules or not.

This is one of the most comprehensive online sources of information regarding allergens and allergenic proteins.

European Bioinformatics Institute

The EMBL Outstation - European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) is a centre for research and services in bioinformatics. The Institute manages databases of biological data including nucleic acid, protein sequences and macromolecular structures.